Monday 23 May 2011

Sunday 24 April 2011

How to Make Home Made Cat Food

Things needed

  • Bag of lentils 
  • 3 eggs 
  • Container of oatmeal 
  • 2 cans of mackerel or salmon 
  • vitamin a 
  • brewers yeast kelp 

  • Fill a large pot almost to the top with water. 
  • Add the bag of lentils and the three eggs.Add vitamin a, brewers yeast, and kelp at this point as well.. Cats require a lot of vitamin a, so supplementing just a bit of that is good, though probably not necessary since the fish is high in vitamin a. Cats cannot process beta caratine into vitamin a. The brewers yeast supplies b vitamins and helps to repel fleas. The kelp supplies many nutrients, such as iodine.
  • Put the burner on a medium temperature and leave the pot uncovered. Stir regularly to keep lentils from burning and sticking to the bottom of the pan.
  • Once lentils are almost done, add the oatmeal. Let cook, stirring almost constantly, for about five minutes.
  • Turn stove off and let cat food sit while oatmeal softens and expands. Oatmeal is included in some commercial cat foods, as it is good for a sensitive stomach and very nutritious.
  • Once food is cooled down, add the two cans of fish.
  • Crack the eggs open and leave in mixture. Do not remove shells or bones from food as they supply calcium.
  • Mix cat food with handheld mixture until no lentils are visible, and everything looks like a paste.
  • Store in refrigerator. You can will love it.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Can Cats Be Allergic to Food?

Cats that have allergies to the food they eat will normally scratch their necks and heads. They also might be having gastrointestinal problems like vomiting or diarrhea.

Food allergies can show up in a cat at any age. If you know that to which food your cat is allergic you should avoid feeding that food. For Example your cat is allergic to beef. You should avoid feeding your cat any product which contains Beef. 

A cat might get allergies either by air, through food, or even by skin (transmitted by Fleas). Those cats which spend time outdoor may be more prone to pollen and flea allergies. 

Some cats can also develop asthma who are exposed to cigarette smoke

How to Stop Your From Biting

If your cat bites you while playing you need to respond like a cat at hiss at him/her or you can even scream and show your cat that your in pain. Your cat will realize it and change his habit. If your cat bites you and blood comes out just let him smell the blood so that he knows how much pain you are in.


Does your Cat Chew Electric Cords???

Spray bitter apple juice on the electric cords. Bitter apple spray is safe and its also non toxic. Cats hate the taste of bitter apple juice
You can also put the Electric Cords into a cardboard tube which can also keep the cords organized in one bundle.

5 Tips Which Can Extend Your Cat Lives


Spaying or Neutering improves a cats health and also prevents it from giving birth to kittens. By surgical procedure a male cat's testicles are removed which makes them less prone to prostate problems and stops them from spraying inside the house.
A female cats uterus and ovaries are removed which reduces the risk of Brest Cancer, Uterus Infections and tumors. A female cat also stop the meowing they do during their heat cycles.

A neutered or spayed cat is more calmer, friendlier and is focused on you instead of mating.

2: Keep your cat indoor

Facts suggest that indoor cats live longer. They are free from human abuse and also from some predators like dogs, owls and coyotes. There wont be any fights with unfamiliar cats any of which could transmit parasites or diseases such as feline leukemia or FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus).
Train your cat to wear a leash whenever you take her outside for walkand you can also make a cage and outside where your cat can enjoy fresh air while staying safe.

3. Annual Vet Check Up

Annual vet check up plays an important role in keeping your cat healthy. The vet thoroughly checks your cats weight, eyes, ears, teeth and fur or skin. Cats older then 7 should see a vet twice a year. Your cat may also be due for rabies shots.
If you notice any change in your cats behaviour like change in eating habits, foul breath, weight loss, vomiting coughing or blood in stool or urine visit your vet immidiatly

4. Keeping Your Cat Fit

Kittens are bundles of energy while cats slow the pace down as they age. Create a lifestyle for your cat which keeps them fit. The benefits of a healthy cat are a longer life. Keeping your cat active will keep her from gaining weight. You can keep your cat fit and active by getting a cat tower for her, or you can even play with her by dragging a ball of string.
A fit and active cat will fight obesity and live longer.

5. Follow Good Nutrition

Unlike cartoon cats that live on milk, real-life felines need a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Cats are meat eaters, so the ammino acids in animal proteins are crucial to their survival. High-quality, commercially produced cat foods can offer complete nutrition for every cat. Specialty formulas for diabetes, kidney or dental problems are also available.

The dry food/canned food choice is usually one of human convenience: Dry food is easy, while canned food smells and dries out if it's not consumed right away. Some veterinarians contend that dry food's content is heavily plant-based, and recommend the higher protein and moisture levels in wet food. You can decide what's best for your cat by reading nutrition labels and consulting your own vet. Quantity counts, too: Cats with free access to dry food may overeat. A battery-powered feeder with a timer can limit your cat's intake.
You can even try making a home made cat food which is fresh and healthy.


"There are no ordinary cats".

I went to the pet market one day to purchase cat food for my cats. As i was about to leave to get home I happened to saw a cat, ginger and white in color. The cat was on a leash (a cat leash is a ridiculous idea). His eyes were almost closed, tear stains and dirt were all around his eyes and nose.He was continuously sneezing. He had to keep his mouth open to breathe. I stopped the moment i saw him and could not take my eyes off of  him. The poor cat was such a beauty. Alas! In worst condition.

I went to the shop and asked the shopkeeper about the price of the cat. He demanded very high price for him (he told me he has bi-color coat and is puch faced). I said to him if this cat is worth that high price, why don't you take care of him.. Why is he in so much pain?? Why this poor condition?? Why a leash on him?? Why is he left untreated?? Why there are thousands of fleas roaming about all over his skin??
He could not answer any of my questions. How could he! It was so inhumane of him to keep a cat in worst condition in his shop. The cat had diarrhea and he had placed a untidy bowl of milk in front of him. The sick cat was drinking milk from it (milk is dangerous to give to cats who are suffering from diarrhea).

I came back home, got busy in daily routine life but i failed to keep my thoughts away from that cat!! :-(
And when at night i went to sleep i had a bad dream about that cat. He was running away and crying out loud and was dying.

The next morning, I woke up and got ready. I went straight to the market, to the shop( hoping the cat was alive!). I found that cat in the shop, I could see the helplessness in his eyes. I negotiated the price with the shopkeeper(price was still high for a sick cat like him). However, I was happy to buy him (Let me tell you i bought him for good reasons).

I took him straight to a vet on my way back to home to have him examined. He told me that the cat is suffering from feline FVR (CAT FLU). He made it clear that lots of money and care is required for the sick cat. I got really worried when he told me that the disease is highly contagious to other cats as i had many other cats in house. I tried all my best to give the poor kitty the best health and care.

After ten days treatment including medication, steam and proper diet, I could see the clear difference in his condition :-) I spent my money and time on him and gave him all my love, I definitely got the reward in return! He is giving me much love and fun in return.

Now came his grooming! His coat was all matted, stinky and smelly. I took him to the pet centre. They cut his hairs. I gave him a bath and what i found out later was that he had skin infection too! flea bite infection and fungal infection.. Arghhhhh!! (I so much wanted to kill that shopkeeper).
Anyways, the treatment was started again. In few days he was all perfect and disease free. He was given his vaccination shots also. I named him fluffy..

Fluffy is now happily living in my home with my other cats who welcomed him warm heartedly. Fluffy is a family now!

I am planning to go to the market again to see if any other sick cat is waiting for me to come and give my love and care to it.........!!!
I hope whoever read this note of mine, do the same.

"Before a cat will condescend
To treat you as a trusted friend,
Some little token of esteem
Is needed, like a dish of cream".

How to clean cat ears

Things needed:

1. Cotton balls
2. Hydrogen peroxide (diluted with water) or olive oil
Some cat treats (for keeping the cat happy)


Gently put one or two drops of Hydrogen peroxide (diluted with water) or olive oil in cats ear canal. Give your cat some treat while doing this so that she doesn't feels pain and doesn't shakes his head. Gently massage your cats ear for a minute or two so that the debris inside the ear canal softens with the liquid. Gently use the cotton balls to remove the dirt soften up with the liquid. Repeat the same steps with the other ear.

Clean your cat ears at least once a week.

Daily brushing controls allergens

Brushing your cat daily, will control the loose hair in your home, which will help control one of the allergens cats produce.
When cat's wash them self they leave proteins (contained in their mucus) behind on their fur; when they protein dries it becomes an airborn allergen.
By brushing your cat daily, that will help remove loose hair and the protein on it.

How To Make Your Own Home Made Healthy Cat Food

Now a days almost everyone has pets but most of the people don't know which cat food should be given to their cats. They just buy whatever is available in market and normally ask the shop keeper about the product. Most people in Pakistan give cat foods likes Me-o and Whiskas. Me-o cat food is highly toxic and reduces a cats life by 7 to 8 years. Where as Whiskas is also not that good for cats.

In the beginning I also gave the same cat foods but my vet told me to change the cat food and told me about home made cat food. I'm sharing this recipe so that more and more people stop giving these toxic cat foods and switch to Home made cat food which is really easy to make and its also very healthy for your cats


1. Boil a chicken 1KG (boneless) thoroughly
2. Once its been boiled cut it into small pieces and make sure that's the chicken is enough to go into 2 cups
3. 1/2 Cup boiled rice
4. 1/4 cup boiled potato's
5. 1/4 cup peas
6 Chicken Broth (chicken ki Yakhni)

Now put all of these things in a food processor or a blender n add chicken broth (chicken ki Yakhni) slowly so that it mixes all the stuff.

Once its made be sure to refrigerate the Home Made Chicken Cat Food

Remember in beginning your cat will not eat this because he/she is addicted to market cat food. The best thing to do is to mix that cat food with this or crush the biscuits and sprinkle them on the Home Made Cat Food and slowly stop giving the market cat food

Why Acetaminophen drug should always be avoided in cats.

Acetaminophen is a medication commonly used to alleviate fever and pain. Common brands include
Tylenol®, Percoset®, aspirin free Excedrin®, Feverall®, Liquiprin®, Panadol®, Tempra®, Pamprin®, Midol® and various sinus, cold and flu medications. It is often found in combination in cold and flui products – many of which are labeled as "aspirin-free".

Acetaminophen is available in various formulations including tablets, liquids, liquigels, rectal suppositories and chewable tablets. It also comes in a variety of strengths per unit including children's strength (80 mg), junior strength (160 mg), regular strength (325 mg), extra strength (500 mg), and various strengths of infant and children's elixirs.

Cats are much more sensitive to acetaminophen than dogs and are therefore more susceptible to acetaminophen toxicity. One regular strength acetaminophen tablet is toxic and potentially lethal to a cat.

Sources say that Many prescription and alot of antiboitic brands of analgesic and antipyretic drugs contain acetaminophen or its ethyl ether, phenacetin.

This drug can cause depression, vomiting, cat may show signs of weakness and even death.

Toxic foods for cats

1. Chocolate:
          Chocolate is toxic for cats because it contains theobromine. Theobromine is also knows as methylxanthines making it chemically related to caffeine.

2. Dairy:
       Dairy products include milk, cream, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, whey, sour cream, kefir, casein, and ice cream.
 Cats do produce milk for their kittens but once they switch to adult cat food they no don't need their mother's feed. A cat cannot digest the proteins and the sugar contained in dairy products.

3. Garlic and Onions:
      Garlic and onions contain N-propyl disulphide which kills the red blood cells and causes Heinz body anemia in cats.

4. Green Tomatoes:
                     Green tomatoes are from the solanaceae plant family. The solanaceae plant family is deadly for cats because they contain bitter poisonous alkaloid called Glycoalkaloid Solanine. Even if their roots or leaves are swallowed it can cause violent lower gastrointestinal.

Cutest Cat Competition




Stussi belongs to a girl named Sara. She is the first winner of Cutest Pet Competition.

Stussi is three months old. He was born on 14th Dec 2010. Stussi is the youngest in all his family but he is the naughtiest in all his family. Stussi is also very sensitive and loves his mom and dad alot. He also loves us. He likes to play all the time and sleep a for a little time. We have bought toys for him especially small balls that are made from wool and he loves to play with them. 

In food he likes to eat chicken, minced meat n everything that we eat :) and he still wants his mom He always checks what we are eating otherwise he gets angry with us =D He got this habit from his father Simba

He gets irritated specially when his mom, dad and sis dove or one of us dont play with him. He even cries when he is ignored. 
He is infact the apple's eye of every one. 
He is so sensitive about his home and family that 2 weeks back, a family took him from us. For three days and three nights he didn't sleep or eat and only cried. Finally they told us about all this. So we asked them to give him back to us and is now living with his family.